Client Successes


Robbery-Homicide Link in 12 minutes

"FCC's from a robbery were scanned into BIQ, identifying two firearms. The following Saturday a homicide occurred around midnight with no witnesses, even though it was on a busy street. The FCC's from the homicide were scanned and submit for Rapid Ballistics at approximately 0100 Sunday morning. In 12 minutes the BIQ Rapid Ballistics team was able to provide the agency a Potential Link report between the robbery and the homicide. Working with another agency, the investigators were able to identify a suspect and secured murder arrest warrants within 24 hours."


.45 Cal Casings Tied To One Gun And Suspect

"In a Kankakee County, IL homicide, investigators collected several .45- caliber FCC's at the scene, including one inside a pickup truck believed to be the suspect vehicle. County investigators asked a neighboring police department (with BIQ access) to scan five .45 FCCS. The CSA report showed four matched one firearm, but the fifth was “undetermined.” a qat examiner later confirmed all five originated from the same gun, connecting the suspect to the vehicle and possibly the shooting. This investigation is"


BIQ Revealed Two Firearms from Hiding Suspects

"Officers on foot patrol heard gunshots and found a victim collapsing. Two suspects, one of whom had a firearm in his possession, were discovered hiding under debris in the alley. Four FCCS and the recovered firearm were scanned into BIQ, which indicated two firearms had been used. This determination caused a return to the crime scene and a second search uncovered the second firearm on a rooftop. Both guns were test fired and confirmed linked to the homicide in 1.5 hours. BIQ’s quick results closed the case and lead to homicide arrests against both individuals."


Single Firearm Tied To 14 Different Shootings

"An agency reported that BIQ identified a single .223-caliber firearm connected to 14 separate shootings, each scene averaging 60–70 FCCS. By using the multi-scanner, the agency streamlined evidence entry, and the agency expressed extreme satisfaction with BIQ’s efficiency."